What would be possible if you could overcome scarcity thinking in a single conversation?

Are you a creative entrepreneur, change-maker or visionary leader?

Join me in the Space beyond Scarce…

The Scarcity Myth is the story we all carry that we are not enough, or that we don’t have enough of what we need to pursue our dreams, to make an impact, to be of value, or to leave this world better than we found it.

This story has been baked into our systems, our culture and our economy, and is upheld as a convenient excuse for why there have to be winners and losers in a zero sum game. It keeps us trapped in competition, division, fear, and unsustainable consumerism as we try to buy or hustle our way to worthiness. It feeds white supremacy, patriarchy and oppression, while keeping us from building the win/win world we all deserve.

It keeps us stuck making choices from a place of fear rather than following the resourceful flow of our gifts, our dreams, our callings and our essential nature.

It doesn’t have to be this way.

What if there is actually plenty for everyone, including you?

What if prosperity, sustainability and equity could all be possible at the same time?

What if we could learn to value our inner treasures enough to advocate for them, and what if doing so would allow new resources to come forth to support us?

What if our fear of never having enough time, money, energy and resources is a result of oppressive systems that WE have the power and opportunity to liberate ourselves from?

The Space Beyond Scarce is a world we are creating together, one that explores these questions in pursuit of new systems, solutions and cultural ideas that are not rooted in scarcity thinking.

This is a culture-change endeavor that begins with YOU: Join the project by scheduling a free 75-minute coaching conversation where we will uproot your current scarcity fears and support the growth of your richest possible life, inside and out.

Hi! I’m Kate Holly…

I believe your dreams are here for a reason, and I want to help you build them. With a background in creative collaboration, group facilitation, activism, entrepreneurship, contemplative practice and life coaching, I am a fierce advocate for your vision. Together we will work with mindset, strategy, intuition, creativity and purpose to insure the world doesn’t miss out on what you are here to actualize.

Scarcity Mindset and I go way back…

I have spent decades hustling to prove my worth and waiting for external validation before I could believe in my own value.

I have been a struggling entrepreneur who undercharged and overdelivered because, deep down inside, I felt guilty for receiving what I really needed or wanted.

I have been a “starving artist”, believing that I had to decide between a life of purpose and a life of financial sufficiency.

I have bent my boundaries in order to avoid losing an opportunity, fearing that every good thing that came my way might be my last chance.

I have lost sight of the things that mattered most to me because I got caught up in comparison, self-doubt and imposter syndrome.

I have chased the tail of my dreams for months at a time, hoping that if I just did what I was already doing but faster, harder, and with a more furrowed brow, I could somehow crack the code of the right strategy to open up more ease, more alignment and more prosperity.

It turns out ease, alignment and prosperity don’t really hang out in that vibe.

It took me some big leaps of faith, some deep mindset shifts, many years of studying yogic wisdom and creative process, a few coaching programs and some bold action to finally learn that what I wanted was not going to come from my scarcity mindset, but from the space beyond it (which, I feel I must tell you, is an exceedingly more pleasant space to hang out in).

When I finally learned how to shift out of my lifelong scarcity mindset (even if only for brief moments in between freak out sessions), I was able to stabilize my revenue, create more time in my schedule, grow my support team, live from unconditional self-love, and start doing the work I was born to do in the world.

I have seen similarly magical results occur for my clients, after they start applying the work we do together to disrupt and question their own scarcity beliefs, and reconnect to their innate flow of inner power and sufficiency.

"Kate Holly is an incredible coach. In the 90 min consultation, I had new understandings that I hadn't yet gained from previous coaching, personal development, and therapy. Our 6-month journey together was life-changing and saving. She helped me reframe my relationship with time, she supported me in surviving the most stressful time in my life, and I was able to take on one of the hardest things I've ever done. I highly recommend Kate as your partner - her questions are brilliant, her approach is nurturing, and I felt so seen in each session."

-Kelly Barnard, Career Canvas Coaching

"Kate is my role model of smart listening. I’m learning to be softer and less demanding with myself. Ultimately, I feel more sure of who I am and feel more grounded. That helps me in all areas of life. I’ve had an amazing experience working with Kate as my coach. Highly recommend her to anyone who wants a mentor who understands, supports and gently challenges you to grow and heal.”

-Sasha Gorbunova, former coaching client

"I feel more confident in my ability to run my business, because of the mindset tools you have given me along the way. I’m in a better mindset to run a successful business."

-Jen Ottovegio, founder of Zest PDX

Does this sound familiar?

Scarcity Mindset puts us into a tunnel vision that blocks us from seeing the bigger picture of our gifts, our dreams, our resources, and our innate power and courage. When we are in scarcity mindset we might…

  • Know that our work is important and that we are good at what we do, but feel like we never have enough resources (time, money, energy) to achieve the results we’re after.

  • Wait until our offers/ideas/creations are PERFECT before we share them or take action on them.

  • Have achieved external success through hustle and grind, but secretly feel unfulfilled and like we are stuck in a hamster’s wheel.  

  • Have a dream project or pivot that keeps calling to us, but our fear keeps putting it on hold.

  • Consistently feel drained by dread, self-doubt and indecision, and long for an inner compass that can lead the way with alignment and confidence.

  • Have an internal voice that tells us we are never good enough and keeps us playing small and quiet.

I am looking to connect with change-makers and creative entrepreneurs who are ready to shift the culture from the inside out.

This is for you if one or more of the following things is true:

✨ You are actively engaged in building a business, creative path, body of work or purpose-driven pivot.

✨ You are working on a vision or goal that contributes to something bigger than you.

✨ You know you are good at what you do (even if self-doubt tags along like a little sister most days).

✨ You would like to make more money, have more free time, or experience a deeper alignment with the work you are doing.

✨ You want to stop waiting for more to appear and learn to create more with what you already have.

✨ Your curiosity for what might be possible if you bring forth what is within is bigger than your fear of what might come up or get in the way.

In our 75 minutes together, you will:

🌈 Get a clear mugshot of the top scarcity mindsets that are holding you hostage.

🌈 See into the crystal ball of your future dreams actualized, in the space beyond scarce.

🌈 Learn what it will take to bridge that gap and experience more abundance and freedom.

🌈 Get my devoted support in kicking your scarcity thinking to the curb, whether it involves coaching together or other resources or actions I can help you identify.

*The last 15 minutes of our conversation might include discussing my coaching program, IF you explicitly invite this conversation and IF we both feel like working together is a great fit. There will be no bait and switch sales in this conversation—only an authentic experience of the power of coaching. If coaching together beyond this conversation is not a fit, we will wrap up your call with supportive ideas for next steps and other possible resources.

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